I am very new to the ionic framework and also new to cordova.
I was following this tutorial http://ionicframework.com/docs/guide/testing.html
Whenever issue command ionic serve it never fire .kindly see the below screen
Please note :- I am working on windows 8.1
which version of ionic are your running ?
Its very weird. When I use below command to see version of ionic still it give me same output as first post screen
ionic --version
but it did not show any version
At last I could resolved the issue. I am putting my steps may be somebody can get helpful.
first I go to https://github.com/driftyco/ionic check ionic.js file with my file and I found that my file was missing some part. So I started with
- Uninstall node
- Fresh install node
- Than install cordova
- Than install ionic
and all start working all good.
glad your have resolved it