Ionic search bar search icon clicked

I would like to restrict the search in searchbar to one of the both:

  1. User typed the ‘ENTER’ key
  2. User clicked the search icon
    How shall I do that?
    Is there a way to use ionic searchbar and receive event when the search icon was clicked?
<input #box

check the official tutorial of Angular2.

I want to use the custom ion-searchbar

Here is my code I used ElementRef and Renderer to bind these events to the custom ion-serachbar:

ionViewDidLoad() {   
  let searchInput = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.searchbar-input');
      if(searchInput != null) {
          this.renderer.listen(searchInput, 'keyup' , (event) => {
            if(event.keyCode == 13) {
  let searchIcon = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.searchbar-search-icon');
      if(searchIcon != null) {
        this.renderer.listen(searchIcon, 'click' , (event) => {
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@naomip can you share your .html page?

It’s just the regular ion-searchbar in my HTML

<ion-searchbar ... ></ion-searchbar>
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unable to get event . what could be the reason

The icon has pointer-events: none set in the scss… to receive the event you need to override this… I also found looking for it in AfterInit was too early for the element to have been rendered so ended up with this.

export class LocationSelectComponent implements OnDestroy, AfterViewChecked {

  private unregisterClick?: Function;
  private unregisterTouch?: Function;

    private eventManager: EventManager,
    private elementRef: ElementRef
  ) {

  ngAfterViewChecked() {
    if (undefined === this.unregisterClick && undefined === this.unregisterTouch) {
      const searchIcon: HTMLElement | null = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.searchbar-search-icon');
      if (searchIcon) { = 'all';
        this.unregisterClick = this.eventManager.addEventListener(searchIcon, 'click', this.onSearchIconClick.bind(this));
        this.unregisterTouch = this.eventManager.addEventListener(searchIcon, 'touch', this.onSearchIconClick.bind(this));

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if (undefined !== this.unregisterClick) { this.unregisterClick(); }
    if (undefined !== this.unregisterTouch) { this.unregisterTouch(); }

  onSearchIconClick() {
    console.log('search icon click');
