Ionic run --prod white screeen

So I can build the app with ionic run android and if I build it with ionic run android --prod it builds without errors and launches okay.
The problem is that when I click anywhere on the app the screen turns white. This does not occur when doing a normal build

Is anyone else having this problem?

Ionic Framework: ^2.0.0-rc.3
Ionic Native: ^2.2.11
Ionic App Scripts: 0.0.47
Angular Core: 2.1.1
Angular Compiler CLI: 2.1.1
Node: 6.2.2

Not sure what to recommend here but for what itā€™s worth hereā€™s what I would try:

Is your Android SDK (and any related dependencies) up to date? Update and double check.
Are there any plugins installed that, if you remove them, stop this from happening?
As a more extreme measure, have you removed the android platform and reinstalled to see if this might clear the problem?

ionic platform rm android
ionic platform add android

And you definitely get no errors during the ionic run android --prod process?

I tried everything and it still has the same problem :frowning:

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I tried everythigng and it doesnt work.
Yeah my android SDKs are completely up to date (25).

Is it possible that the problem is that I am building for Android 23?

I am using ionic-app-scripts 0.0.47.

I think the problem must be with the ionic errors. the screen goes into white/transparent and if I keep on clicking after a while it turns normal again and at the next click it turns white again.

Is there a way to disable the error handling (or is that alraedy done with --prod?)?

Can you make sure everything is updated compared to the base starter?

Yes everything is updated.

I tried running with --aot and it works fine so the minification must be the problem

This problem is happening with ionic 2 RC4 too, as I stated on RC4 seems slower to load the app

I still couldnā€™t make the --prod run on the device without causing the blank screenā€¦

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Hello, just to say that I was able to fix this for me.

I just downgraded the typescript version to ā€œ2.0.9ā€ (I was using 2.1) and the prod build worked as a breeze. The app loading time is even faster than with RC3.

More details here: RC4 seems slower to load the app

I changed to 2.0.0-rc.4 and I still have the same problem

yes please do not use TS2.1.

Ionic and Angular are not setup for TS2.1 yet and it will break everything

D:\AraIonicApp>ionic run android --prod

ionic-hello-world@ ionic:build D:\AraIonicApp
ionic-app-scripts build ā€œā€“prodā€

[10:40:28] ionic-app-scripts 1.0.0
[10:40:28] build prod started ā€¦
[10:40:29] clean started ā€¦
[10:40:29] clean finished in 15 ms
[10:40:29] copy started ā€¦
[10:40:29] ngc started ā€¦
[10:40:34] build prod failed: Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Function calls are not supported.
Consider replacing the function or lambda with a reference to an exported function (position 94:19 in the
original .ts file), resolving symbol AppModule in D:/AraIonicApp/src/app/app.module.ts
[10:40:34] ionic-app-script task: ā€œbuildā€
[10:40:34] Error: Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Function calls are not supported. Consider
replacing the function or lambda with a reference to an exported function (position 94:19 in the original
.ts file), resolving symbol AppModule in D:/AraIonicApp/src/app/app.module.ts
Error: Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Function calls are not supported. Consider replacing the function or lambda with a reference to an exporte
d function (position 94:19 in the original .ts file), resolving symbol AppModule in D:/AraIonicApp/src/app/app.module.ts
at positionalError (D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler-cli\src\static_reflector.js:595:18)
at simplifyInContext (D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler-cli\src\static_reflector.js:473:27)
at StaticReflector.simplify (D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler-cli\src\static_reflector.js:478:22)
at StaticReflector.annotations (D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler-cli\src\static_reflector.js:60:36)
at NgModuleResolver.resolve (D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:14261:46)
at CompileMetadataResolver._loadNgModuleMetadata (D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:14646:45)
at CompileMetadataResolver.getUnloadedNgModuleMetadata (D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:14636:23)
at addNgModule (D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:12944:43)
at D:\AraIonicApp\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:12957:16
at Array.forEach (native)

npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.2.9200
npm ERR! argv ā€œC:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exeā€ ā€œC:\Users\om\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.jsā€ ā€œrunā€ ā€œionic:buildā€ ā€œā€“ā€ ā€œā€“prodā€
npm ERR! node v6.9.1
npm ERR! npm v3.10.7
npm ERR! ionic-hello-world@ ionic:build: ionic-app-scripts build "--prod"
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the ionic-hello-world@ ionic:build script ā€˜ionic-app-scripts build ā€œā€“prodā€ā€™.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the ionic-hello-world package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! ionic-app-scripts build ā€œā€“prodā€
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs ionic-hello-world
npm ERR! Or if that isnā€™t available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls ionic-hello-world
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! D:\AraIonicApp\npm-debug.log

why am i getting this error

It would help to see the bit of app.module.ts that is being complained about.

That is not the app module. That is the app component. The error message is telling you exactly where the problem lies.


import { NgModule, ErrorHandler } from ā€˜@angular/coreā€™;
import { RequestOptions, XHRBackend } from ā€˜@angular/httpā€™;
import { IonicApp, IonicModule, IonicErrorHandler ,InfiniteScroll} from ā€˜ionic-angularā€™;
import { MyApp } from ā€˜./app.componentā€™;
// import { HttpModule} from ā€˜@angular/httpā€™;

import {Storage} from ā€˜@ionic/storageā€™;

import { Focuser } from ā€˜ā€¦/components/focuser/focuserā€™;

declarations: [
imports: [
bootstrap: [IonicApp],
entryComponents: [
providers: [{provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler},Storage, {
provide: HttpInterceptor,
useFactory: (backend: XHRBackend, options: RequestOptions) => {
return new HttpInterceptor(backend, options);
deps: [XHRBackend, RequestOptions]
export class AppModule {}


I am using TS 2.0.9 here but the problem has not been solved.

Iā€™m still having the same problem. I have upgraded to ionic 2.2.0 but I still do --prod builds with app-scripts 0.0.46. Everything above results 0.0.46 results in the app not passing the start screen. I tried everything including adding my src to the Ionic 2 Conference app. Same results.

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Can you please post your package.json? I would like to use --prod too.

My package is the same as conference app. I just do ā€œnpm install @ionic/app-scripts@0.0.46ā€ and then I can do a production build.

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Thank you! Iā€™ll give it a try.

I am still facing same issue structure is like -

D:\Application\Dev\src>ā€œnode_modules/.bin/ngcā€ -p tsconfig-aot.json Error: Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Function calls are not supported. Consider replacing the function or lambda with a reference to an
exported function (position 39:25 in the original .ts file), resolving symbol AppModule in D:/Application/Dev/src/app/app.module.ts
at positionalError (D:\Application\Dev\src\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:25944:39)
at simplifyInContext (D:\Application\Dev\src\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:25781:31)
at StaticReflector.simplify (D:\Application\Dev\src\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:257
at StaticReflector.annotations (D:\Application\Dev\src\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:
at NgModuleResolver.resolve (D:\Application\Dev\src\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:177
at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata (D:\Application\Dev\src\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles
at addNgModule (D:\Application\Dev\src\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:25053:62)
at D:\Application\Dev\src\node
at Array.forEach (native)
at _createNgModules (D:\Application\Dev\src\node_modules@angular\compiler\bundles\compiler.umd.js:25063:30)
Compilation failed

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