Ionic react app fetch api working in the web but not on real device

I am developing an app using ionic react, the app works perfectly in the web all fetch api using nodejs and body parser as well as express. but when i test the app on a real device, it doesnt work, the parameters are not passed when i check in the console it shows null. what could be the problem? where am i wrong?

Are you using the CapacitorHttp plugin or just fetch? You don’t need to use CapacitorHttp, but if you are, we need to know to help.

Please share some code as well. What does your fetch look like and what does the request/response look like in the console, both on the web and on a real device?

Please make sure that your backend server is allow to request from the origin other than its domain. Adjust your CROS setting to allow request from the ionic domain.