Ionic Push - Notification Title (Android)

Using the Ionic Push API is it possible to set the “title”? I know it’s hardcoded to the app name currently via the PushPlugin, or that’s what I believe is happening. Apps like Twitter dynamically change the title of the notifications. So is this not possible with the current implementation of the PushPlugin? Are any push services for Cordova apps capable of doing this, I’ve had no luck finding a decent solution.


I have the same problem :frowning:

I’m having the same problem, but when I test the push notification using the one-time push tool, it did give me the ability to provide a title, but the curl did not actually show how the title sent. I guess this is something the guys are working on?

I have spent the past hours figuring out why this does not work correctly.

Finally I have found the issue: The CURL request generated by the one-time push tool is erroneous . The title property needs to be in the iOS and android objects! This should be added to the docs (


var data = {
      "user_ids": [],
        "alert":"You were invited by XYZ to join his event.",
        "android": {
          "title": "Hi!",
          "payload": {}
        "ios": {
          "title": "Hi!",
          "payload": { }
1 Like

aunt, thanks !!

Its solve my problems !!!

@aunt Thanks! That was it

with the new push version, instead of “alert” should be “message”