Hello everyone,
Push notification not receiving to my IOS device which is working fine for android. I am using Firebase to send notification for android and IOS, I have configured the google-service-info.plist file to my Firebase account and enabled push notification in Xcode before taking the build. But I am not able to receive the notification, is there any additional configuration that I required to change for IOS? Why am not getting push notification which works fine by default for android?
I am able to get device token of IOS that am using this token to trigger notification.
We implemented notification by referring the below link,
Even I tried to send notification with the demo link available in Firebase, its not working for IOS but works fine in android.
Ionic cli V3.19
Cordova V8.0
phonegap-plugin-push 2.1.2
Cocopod V1.1.1
Xcode 8.2.1