Ionic pro: Git push using https?

I’m having problems setting up SSH. When I try to use my private ssh key (ionic ssh setup or ionic ssh use), I get this:

Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read

This is a nodejs error. I’ve been assuming it’s a bug with the CLI. Is there a way for me to manually add the SSH key without going through the command line? Or just allow me to push my app without using SSH? Thanks.

Well I got SSH working with Sourcetree, but not command line. Ah well. I can push my app now.

What is the exact command you are executing when you get that error? Also, what input do you give on the prompts you probably get?

Post your ionic info output as well please.

Heres ionic info
cli packages: (C:\Users\Jonathan\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules)

@ionic/cli-utils  : 1.9.2
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.9.2

global packages:

Cordova CLI : 7.0.1

local packages:

@ionic/app-scripts : 2.1.3
Cordova Platforms  : android 6.2.3
Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.6.0


Android SDK Tools : 26.0.1
Node              : v7.8.0
npm               : 4.2.0
OS                : Windows 10

And when I run ionic ssh setup

[INFO] Looks like you haven’t configured your SSH settings yet.

? How would you like to connect to Ionic Pro? Use an existing SSH key pair

ionic ssh add

? Enter the location to your public key file to upload to Ionic: C:\Users\Jonathan.ssh\
[INFO] Pubkey already added to Ionic.

? Would you like to use this key as your default for Ionic? Yes

ionic ssh use C:\Users\Jonathan.ssh\ionicssh
Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read

Seems the “.pub” gets lost here. Maybe because your directory also contains a dot? Please report this as bug for Ionic CLI on Github.