I’ve just started to get “build failed” message on Ionic Pro builds after successful push to ionic master.
There are no error messages and any detail about the problem. Only I got is “ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1” after successfully clean up. Normally “git install” needs to be fired but not fires.
Any feedback will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Running with gitlab-ci-multi-runner 9.1.0 (0118d89)
on Prod Snapshot Builds 1 (c6948220)
Using Shell executor…
Running on ip-10-2-67-27…
Cloning repository…
Cloning into ‘/home/gitlab-runner/builds/c6948220/1/project-1’…
Checking out 040debea as master…
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ fetch-updates
Checking for build process updates…
$ build-app
Fetching build dependencies…
Running after script…
$ clean-up
Cleaning up files…
Successful clean up
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
Thanks for your quick reply. I’ve added out ionic info below.
Unfortunately “npm install” not fires after clean-up while running building package.
Btw, what I understand after switching to ionic pro from legacy package is you have started to sell your pro package without doing any serious R&D. We’re really fed up facing tons of annoying problems regarding ionic pro package everyday!
Ionic Pro should continue to provide normal ionic package from cli and find a solution for lacking COCOAPOD support in the package asap.
Please send my message to related people pls.
If you are a paying Ionic Pro customer you can use the official paid support channels that I linked to above.
I don’t work for Ionic, so nothing else I can do.
ordova-android v7.0.0 was released on Nov. 30th. Version 7 introduces some major changes and is not yet supported for Ionic Pro package builds.
Attempting to package using cordova-android 7.x.x will result in a failed build. The only significant error present in the logs is “ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1”. Reverting to android-cordova v6.4.0 will resolve the issue.
Cordova v8 was released on Dec. 14th, 2017. It defaults to cordova-android v7 when the android platform is added. Users who have updated to Cordova v8 will need to update their package.json and config.xml files as shown below.