Ionic pick Contact using cordova native plugin

Please how do I pick contacts from my phone in ionic 3, Have tried all methods but still not working …I"m kinda new to typescript…
here is my code

import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams ,} from ‘ionic-angular’;
import{EnterPinPage} from ‘…/enter-pin/enter-pin’;
import { Contacts, Contact, ContactField, ContactName, ContactFindOptions, ContactFieldType } from ‘@ionic-native/contacts’;


selector: ‘page-share’,
templateUrl: ‘share.html’,
export class SharePage {
contactsfound = [];
search = false;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, private contacts: Contacts) {



	var navigator:any; 
		console.log('The following contact has been selected:' + JSON.stringify(contact));
		console.log('Error: ' + err);

findContact(ev:any) {
let fields:ContactFieldType[] = [‘displayName’];

	const options = new ContactFindOptions();
	options.filter =;
	options.multiple = true;
	options.hasPhoneNumber = true;

	this.contacts.find(fields, options).then((contact) => {
		this.contactsfound = contact;
	if(this.contactsfound.length == 0){
		this.contactsfound.push({displayName: 'No Contacts found'});  
	} = true;


I am struggling with this as well.

If you find out, please let me know:

No luck yet, only search working.

i can’t get search to work, that would already solve my problems

use this to get all your contacts displaying in your ionic app

import { Contacts, Contact, ContactField, ContactName, ContactFindOptions, ContactFieldType } from ‘@ionic-native/contacts’;
import { DomSanitizer } from ‘@angular/platform-browser’;


selector: ‘page-home’,
templateUrl: ‘home.html’,
export class HomePage {
contactsfound = [];
search = false;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, private contacts: Contacts, private contact: Contact , private sanitizer : DomSanitizer) {

contactList = [];

getContacts(): void {
    ["displayName", "phoneNumbers","photos"],
    {multiple: true, hasPhoneNumber: true}
    ).then((contacts) => {
      for (var i=0 ; i < contacts.length; i++){
        if(contacts[i].displayName !== null) {
          var contact = {};
          contact["name"]   = contacts[i].displayName;
          contact["number"] = contacts[i].phoneNumbers[0].value;
          if(contacts[i].photos != null) {
            contact["image"] = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(contacts[i].photos[0].value);
          } else {
            contact["image"] = "assets/dummy-profile-pic.png";

hey u solve this yet? im able to access device contacts but the list is empty

What platform, IOS or android?

hey, sorry i solved it…the list is empty because all contacts are saved in SIM card, so i just import it to phone storage. Thanks anyway.

Ok…Glad you were able to solve that

I’m able to access device contacts but how to display selected contact details in like ex. <ion-input type=“text” [(ngModel)]=“” name=“name”> ?

Use angular for loop to bind to your view