Ionic NGRX Signal Store auth not triggered after relogin

I have an issue with my Angular 18 and Ionic 7 application, which uses NGRX Signal Store. During logout, I’m able to clear the localStorage and set the isAuthenticated and token states to false and undefined, with a redirection to the login page. However, when I try to log back in, although the authentication works correctly and the token is received, the withHooks in the store, which I instantiate in the HomeComponent, no longer triggers. I believe Ionic is keeping the previous page in the DOM. How can I destroy components upon logout?

Ngrx Auth Signal Store :

export const AuthenticationStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
  withComputed((store) => ({
    isLogged: computed(() => store.isAuthenticated()),
    isNotLogged: computed(() => !store.token() || !store.isAuthenticated()),
      infra = inject(AuthenticationInfrastructure),
      localInfra = inject(LocalStorageAuthenticationInfrastructure),
      router = inject(Router)
    ) => ({
      localLogin(token: WithToken): void {
        if (token.access_token) {
          patchState(store, {
            isAuthenticated: true,
            token: {
              access_token: token.access_token,
              expires_in: 0,
              refresh_expires_in: 0,
              refresh_token: '',
      logIn: rxMethod<AuthenticateType>(
          tap(() => patchState(store, { isLoading: true })),
          concatMap((input) => {
            return infra.login(input.login, input.password).pipe(
              map((tokenResponse) => {
                return {
                  access_token: tokenResponse.access_token,
                  expires_in: tokenResponse.expires_in,
                  refresh_expires_in: tokenResponse.refresh_expires_in,
                  refresh_token: tokenResponse.refresh_token,
                } as AuthenticationToken;
              tap((token) =>
                  access_token: token.access_token,
                  refresh_token: token.refresh_token,
                next: (token) => {
                  patchState(store, {
                    isLoading: false,
                    isAuthenticated: true,
                    token: token,
                  const state = getState(store);
                  console.log('Login State', state);
                error: () => {
                  console.log('erreur login');

                  patchState(store, { isLoading: false });
      logout: () => {
        patchState(store, {
          token: undefined,
          isLoading: false,
          isAuthenticated: false,
        const state = getState(store);

        router.navigate(['login'],{ replaceUrl: true });
    async onInit(
      localInfra = inject(LocalStorageAuthenticationInfrastructure),
      router = inject(Router)
    ) {

      const session = await localInfra.getSession();
      if (session.access_token) {
      // localInfra.getSession().then((token : WithToken ) => {
      //   if (token) {
      //     console.log(token)
      //     store.localLogin(token);
      //   }
      // });

HomeComponent :

export class HomeComponent {
  constructor() {
    addIcons({ personCircle });

  // call to my UserhStore not AuthStore 
  private readonly userApplication = inject(UserApplication);

  customer$$ = this.userApplication.user;

  segmentFilter = new FormControl('abilities');

redirectToLoginEffect when im authenticate :

export class AuthenticationApplication {
  private readonly store = inject(AuthenticationStore);
  private readonly router = inject(Router);

  private redirectToLoginEffect = effect(() => {
    if ( {

I tried adding replace: true in the navigate method in my logout, but it doesn’t work.