Hi! I’m in an ionic7 project and I have a question with navigation.
If I navigate in the following way:
this.router.navigate(['detail'], {state : { form: this.form}});
When going back from the detail view, the ionViewDidEnter method is not executed.
However, if I add the relativeTo and pass it an activatedRouter, yes, but I do not have the desired behavior or display in the detail view.
Thank you.
I don’t understand why when executing this instruction and successfully navigating to the view, the ionViewDidEnter method of the calling class is not executed.
The view that makes the call has lower tabs (tabs/data-collection) and I don’t want the detail view to have lower tabs.
With the instruction
this.router.navigate([‘detail’], {state : { form: this.form}});
I get that visual and navigation aspect, but the question is that when I return to the data-collection view I need one of the lifecycle methods to be executed to refresh the view.
Is there another type of argument that you are not putting in the navigation call so that when you return that view to the screen it executes its lifecycle methods?
Thank you
No it don’t work like that. Seems you need to review the docs for life cycle hooks. Angular Page Component Life Cycle - App Events Documentation