I create an app first page as a dashboard with links to all the app sections.
When i click i see a back button at the top header. How can i present the hamburguer icon (i am using sidemenu template) and have the normal sidemenu navigation ?
Also the back button does not navigate back to the origin page.
I try using :
And also :
<button ng-click="link1Redirect()">Link 1</button>
.controller('DashboardCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams,$location) {
$scope.link1Redirect = function() {
please do not use href… use ui-sref instead… it is the default approach for ui-router navigation.
you can set an attribute to activate sidemenu also on backviews:
Better solution use $state.go(‘STATE’)
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thank you @bengtler, it is working fine.
thank you ! it is working fine.
state.go is the js-pendant to the uiSref directive
Hi !
I do use ui-sef in a button in my dashboard screen, and it work´s only on the first time, i click and i can go to the link!
If i hit the back button and click again in the same button no action is trigered i just stay in the dashboard screen.
Trying to look at docs, there is a fix for that ?
could you show us some code?
Basically after bower install and include at index.html:
Add ui-sref
<div class="div1">
<button ui-sref="app.div1" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--fab mdl-button--colored">Div1</button>
Add ui-view at index.html
<body ng-app="starter">
<ion-nav-view ui-view></ion-nav-view>
At app.js i inject ui.router
you only need the ion-nav-view
Thank you it work´s .
I also add these event: on-release=“navigate()”