I soveld it !
I am a user of ionic-angular(2.0.0-beta.10), ionic-native(1.3.3) and I typed “$ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer” as a command. Also I used “Transfer” in the ionic-native to implement a find uploading feature.
The code I typed is below.
import { Camera, Transfer } from ‘ionic-native’;
let ft = new Transfer();
Above code generates an error. The error message is ‘FileTransfer is not defined’ .
The file which generated the error is in ‘ node_modules/ionic-native/dist/plugins/filetransfer.js ‘.
the error occurred in following code.
[filestransfer.js ]
var Transfer = (function () {
function Transfer() {
this._objectInstance = new FileTransfer(); // at this point, FileTransfer is not defined
How can I solve this problem?
I’ve tried to find the solution but I couldn’t find it.
I sincerely hope you to tell me how I can solve the problem.
Thank you