Ionic native Docuement viewer, File , File transfer plugins are not working in Ipad air with ios 12 and using Xcode 10

Hi guys ,

I am working on a opening a Pdf file in my application as locally or by downloading from internet using Document viewer , File , File transfer . i write the same code mentions on official website of ionic native framework of document viewer . i attach a function on click on button to open pdf files . and for testing purpose . i write console.log before starting the function’s code and also in the end . first console is printing the output and then my code and last console . first console is printing the output but code and last console is not working . here is my code ,…
console.log(“pdf view button clicked”);

const options: DocumentViewerOptions = {
title: ‘My PDF’

this.document.viewDocument(‘assets/First_Step_Vol.1_6.pdf’, ‘application/pdf’, options)

console.log(“pdf view link opened”);


i tried to use absolute path by writing www before assets and the remove the platform and then again add it . and the ionic cordova prepare ios command and then ionic cordova build ios – --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0" and then opened the xcodeproject file in the Xcode 10 and clean and build the for ipad ios 12 and the deployed to ipad with no error . but after click on button nothing is happening with no errors . and same way streaming media is not playing the video but showing the page with play/pause/volumn button.

Kindle resolve this issue .