I built an extension for Ionic that allows you to have more than one <ion-nav-view> displayed in a screen, making building layouts like the master-detail layout in Gmail possible.
Thanks I know about this options which is nice but tablet in order to feel native needs more than that, and I think split views is the first step for that.
Obviously it’s hard work I’m currently trying with the above demo and device size detection ( working quite ok, but problem with transition and such).
i was about to start to extend this t have separate master/detail screens for the phone and a single view for a tablet with a side menu. If anyone has added this or if there are plans to include this as core functionality i would be very interested.
Awesome, I’m going to try if I can use this (I want to have a version of my app targeting tablets). I know about split view but this UI pattern would be a nice addition, hope the Ionic team will pursue this.