I have an Ionic 2 app, that uses LocalNotifications plugin.
On android works very well. It has been in production for 2 months and now we need the ios version.
This is the code:
id: 1,
text: '¡Hora de meditar!',
at: scheduleDate,
sound: this.isAndroid? 'file://audio/sound.mp3' : 'file://audio/sound.caf',
every: "day"
This is used as a reminder. When the user activates the reminder, what he really does is to schedule a notification that is repeated every day at that time.
On Android all ok, no problems.
On IOS when you activate the reminder, it shows a black screen and the app closes, without saying anything. Is there any way to debug this? Since the localNotifications.schedule()
method does not even return a promise, returns void.
Thank you very much in advance!!
Solved. I was using (according Apple ) an invalid Date.
Share the valid date format…
@Sujan12 It’s only a Date object:
* I'm using ion-datetime wich always give me an string like '10:34'
* so, I get separately numbers and perform a new Date object.
let hours: number = this.time.slice(0, this.time.indexOf(':'));
let minutes: number = this.time.substr(this.time.indexOf(':') + 1);
let scheduleDate = new Date();
scheduleDate.setHours(hours, minutes, 0);
// So, we schedule a notification using scheduleDate in the 'at'
// attribute of the object wich will be send by params.
This is not my complete code. I used a custom provider to generate scheduleDate, and I validate if the platform is Android or IOS, among other things. I tried to simplify it to show an example.
Previously I was doing (the invalid Date object according apple, but it was working on Android):
var scheduleDate = new Date(this.timeFormatter.actualDateInYMD() + ' ' + this.time); // 2017/06/06 + ' ' + '10:43'