Ionic keyboard not shifting window when it gets focus


I’ve installed ionic keyboard plugin as below.

ionic plugin add com.ionic.keyboard

When I run it on devices, (ios and android) and give focus to input element by touching on it. keyboard comes up but the view is not shifting/scrolling upwards…

Once I start to type something, then the view shifted/scrolled to the right position which is original screen bottom meets top of keyboard.

<!-- Posting -->
    <form ng-controller='PostsCtrl' name='postForm' novalidate>
      <input type='text' 
          placeholder='Why its not working?' required>
      <button ng-disabled='postForm.$invalid' 
          class="postbox button button-small button-assertive" 
          id='map-btn-submit'> {{ timevalue | date:"mm : ss" }} </button>

and this elements are added on top of Google Map if that is related information as well…

What could possible go wrong?

Is there anybody who had this problem or resolved it…? :cold_sweat:

okay, I resolved it now.

I had my ion-content , scroll=‘false’ to use CSS height : 100%.

but I had to actually allow the scroll to be true and modify .scroll like so…

    height: 100%;
#map-canvas {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px