I am facing one strange issue with my mobile app. I am using Ionic framework, with angular JS.
When I navigate from Page1 -> Page2 , ionic do left to right push animation. Out of 6 from 10, animation moves in following way: Page1 -> Page2 -> Page1 -> Page2 or page1 and Page2 overlap on same screen.
iOS real device (iPhone 5S and iPhone 6)
*happens when i go to a next screen and then go back with the back button of swipe to go back. Then the current screen that supposed to go away is overlapping the screen where i need to go to.
Reading through this message, I have implemented the nav-clear in my buttons (all of which are tags that call a method on the state object in the controller $state.stateManager where I then do some processing (saving the data to local storage) and then use a $state.go() transition. I have not been able to replicate the problem since applying the nav-clear attribute, but then I was not seeing it on my app while running in XCode so I am not sure if this is a fix.
Looking over this thread and others on Stackoverflow it seems to be related to just iOS. I am running iOS 9.1 (13B143) and ionic 1.1.0 with the iOS9 patch and radiobutton patch.
I am going to resend this to my customer and see if they can replicate the issue and will update here accordingly. If anyone else finds a definitive answer, please let me know!
Are you sure its working . Because in my case its not working. Do you have any other solution to this issue . With ionic2beta11 i have used it in below way: