IONIC http “POST” dont work on device (android)

I’ve got a problem. If I run android with the command:

$ionic run --livereload android

My App works fine.

But if i install the .apk or use the command:

$ionic run android

I can use “GET-function” but the “POST-funktion”, dont work!
I seach for some solution but i dont find somthing. I change the config.xml at the path C://MyAPP/config.xml and add this →

<content src="index.html"/>

But it still dont work.

This is my Code :

$scope.mtahinzubtn=function(){ // Just a Button

    // some Var 
    var nameVar = document.getElementById('name'); // string
    var vornameVar = document.getElementById('vorname'); // string
    var stadtVar = document.getElementById('stadt');//string
    var adresseVar = document.getElementById('adresse');//string
    var personIDVar = document.getElementById('personID');//number

    // Jason Array
    var dataj ={address:adresseVar.value,city:stadtVar.value,firstName:vornameVar.value,lastName:nameVar.value,personID:personIDVar.value};
    alert("Ausgabe der Variablen : "+nameVar.value+" "+vornameVar.value+" "+stadtVar.value+" "+adresseVar.value+" "+personIDVar.value); // ZUM testen Ausgabe der Variable

$'',JSON.stringify(dataj)).then(function(resp) {
    console.log('Success', JSON.stringify(resp));
    // For JSON responses, contains the result
}, function(err) {
    console.log('Error', JSON.stringify(err));
// err.status will contain the status code

If i run the app via .apk i get this alert message:


If I run android with the command

$ionic run --livereload android

My App works fine.



I knowe my english is not good but you welcome to correct me :smile:

same error to me
anybody solve this?