Hi, I want disable the right to left animation on ios
When I do navController.push(MyPage)
@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;
Any Idea ?
Hi, I want disable the right to left animation on ios
When I do navController.push(MyPage)
@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;
Any Idea ?
There is a pageTransition config item, but the docs do not list the options.
im using this method and working super fine
this.navCtrl.push(RequestResultPage, { Query: keyword }, { animate: false });
if you can provide some code to show how is not working mean it would be helpful
i think setRoot have no animation by default? what are you trying to do?
it’s my global left side navigation menu.
And when I click on one of menu item to navigate I have a left to right slide animation on ios and bottom to top on andorid.
your left menu is a side menu that slide out when you press menu button on header? by default there should be no animation when you navigate by setRoot…
Yes you are right ! It’s working for my menu but sometimes I do :
this.navCtrl.pop().then(() =>
this.navCtrl.push(item.page, {}, {animate: false});
in this case it’s not working.
because .pop is also playing animation? try using this.navCtrl.pop({animate:false}) ?
and i think you dont need the then statement…
Awsome !! It’s working fine !
glad im able to help…
My question is not identical but very close to the topic of this posting.
How can i disable animation on page navigation in general or at least for the automatically added back navigation triggert by the arrow in the header?
I know how to disable it if i push a new page, but for the back arrow i have not found a solution.
Sadly page animations are causing major visual problems on the windows platform, so i want to get rid of them for now.
@A1development try to use this code:
import { Navbar } from 'ionic-angular';
export class myClass {
@ViewChild(Navbar) navBar: Navbar;
ionViewDidLoad() {
//Override the default back btn action
this.navBar.backButtonClick = () => {
@A1development, you can disable animations for the full app in app.module.ts, in the imports section:
imports: [
IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
animate: false // disable animation
But what if I need to remove only page transition animation. I want animation on side menu and all other things