Ionic Header Shrink not working with SideMenu

I am trying to use Shrinking Header in my app. When I use single page, it works fine but with sidemenu it behaves weirdly.

This is my codepan:

Scroll on Home tab to see the problem

Still no reply…,

me too, somebody can tell me why?

try this

yes, thank you @cyprusglobe, it is better than the old one ,but if the header is in half-hide state, i swipe left, the sidemenu will show , and i look so suck, right?

maybe doing this? kinda dirty hack though.

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oh, yeah, thanks for your help @cyprusglobe , it is so and how about add automatically snap to edge effect? like the sidemenu.

can you explain this in a little more detail?

@cyprusglobe like the sidemenu, if the header is half-shrink, when i stop drag, it will auto full-shrink or full-show.

Check out Ionic Scroll Sista Just published now. Should be what you guys are looking for as far as shirnking header/tabs. Check out the demo too!