Ionic gestures and passthru to other functions

I created a gesture for double click and long press for my app… I forgot that I needed to have a refresher.

but… refresher also has some sort of long press engagement…

now my gesture interferes with the operation of both… my long press still fires its event (press)
but my handler doesn’t get called, and the refresh also doesn’t work…

anyone know what I am supposed to do to avoid this? It worked in V1, V3 and V4m but I used hammerjs to fire the events. and I haven’t been able to get hammer to work in the current version (v5?)

Can you share an example or github repo with the code in question? Kind of hard to know what to do without it.

use ionic serve

branch test_working_refresh shows the working IonRefresh , not my gestures (just commented out of template)

branch test_refresh shows same with my gestures enabled (double click and long press)
refresher no longer works…

as far as i know, my gestures don’t consume the clicks…