Hi there,
I’ve recently started to try and use the file chooser in ionic.
I want it so that the user can choose a picture from their gallery, to then upload to firebase storage.
Here is my code…
// This function allows users to upload a profile photo from their gallery
this.fileChooser.open().then((uri) => {
this.file.resolveLocalFilesystemUrl(uri).then((newUrl) => {
let dirPath = newUrl.nativeURL;
let dirPathSegments = dirPath.split('/'); //breaks string into array
dirPathSegments.pop(); // remove last element
dirPath = dirPathSegments.join('/');
this.file.readAsArrayBuffer(dirPath, newUrl.name).then(async (buffer) => {
await this.upload(buffer, newUrl.name);
// Function which uploads the actual photo to Firebase
async upload(buffer, name)
let blob = new Blob([buffer], {type: "image/jpeg"});
let storage = firebase.storage();
storage.ref('ProfilePictures/' + name).put(blob).then((d) => {
alert("Image Upload Done!");
}).catch((error) => {
It runs without error but the file doesn’t get uploaded to firebase storage… any suggestions?
I generated my code by watching this tutorial…
Many thanks