Ionic exif metadata

I am trying with image picker plugin to take some photos from phone library, the issue is that I cannot take the exif data, I want to take the latitude and longitude

I am using the below plugin and library

import * as exif from 'exif-js';

takePhoto(sourceType:number) {
    this.options = {
      width: 200,
      height: 200,
      // quality of resized image, defaults to 100
      //quality: 25,
      // output type, defaults to FILE_URIs.
      // available options are 
      // window.imagePicker.OutputType.FILE_URI (0) or 
      // window.imagePicker.OutputType.BASE64_STRING (1)
      outputType: 1,

    this.imageResponse = [];

    this.imagePicker.getPictures(this.options).then((results) => {
      for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
          this.imageResponse.push('data:image/jpeg;base64,' + results[i]);
          console.log('Image URI: ' + results[i]);
    }, (err) => { });


  metaData: any; // Should probably create an interface or something.
    async loaded(e) {
        this.metaData = await this.getGpsData(;

    getGpsData(image): Promise<any> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            exif.getData(image, function () {
                var allMetaData = exif.getTag(this,"GPSLongitude");