I got a project from another team but they refuse to cooperate. The project consists of a web application and the ionic mobile applications. This is my first time working with Ionic, not to mention modifying an existing project.
The application has different environments: development, staging and production.
When I run the application in a browser or on an android device, when I’m trying to login/sign-up, I always get the production API url when I’m supposed to get development.
I know it’s using the production environment because I see the user being added to the production database.
How can I run the application using ionic serve / ionic run with a specific environment configuration?
The solutions I saw for implementing environments in Ionic were using Grunt or Gulp, but I don’t have Grunt in my project and there’s nothing that has to do with environments in my gulpfile.js
Searched the whole project and didn’t find where the variable ENVIRONMENT gets a value. Tried to print it with console.log and got this error:
error ReferenceError: ENVIRONMENT is not defined
1. Why the production environment is chosen?
2. How can I initialize ENVIRONMENT variable with a value in each environment?
I don’t know much about Ionic/Angularjs yet, so there may be information missing.
These are the files I think relevant to my question:
angular.module('stCommons').constant('ApiConstants', {
'development': {
'HOST_API': 'http://localhost:3000/api/'
'staging': {
'HOST_API': 'http://<< staging url >>/api/'
'production': {
'HOST_API': 'https://<< production url >>/api/'
angular.module('stApi').factory('AuthAPI', function($resource, $rootScope, ApiConstants, ENVIRONMENT) {
return $resource(ApiConstants[ENVIRONMENT]['HOST_API'] + 'sessions', {});
angular.module('stApi').factory('SignUpAPI', function($resource, $rootScope, ApiConstants, ENVIRONMENT) {
return $resource(ApiConstants[ENVIRONMENT]['HOST_API'] + 'users', {});
angular.module('stApi').factory('PasswordRecoveryAPI', function($resource, $rootScope, ApiConstants, ENVIRONMENT) {
return $resource(ApiConstants[ENVIRONMENT]['HOST_API'] + 'passwords', {});
angular.module('stApi').factory('UserAPI', function($resource, $rootScope, ApiConstants, ENVIRONMENT) {
return $resource(ApiConstants[ENVIRONMENT]['HOST_API'] + 'users', {}, {
update: {
method: 'PUT'
var LoginController;
LoginController = function($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state, AuthService, googleAnalytics) {
$scope.user = {};
return $scope.login = function() {
return AuthService.logIn($scope.user);
angular.module('stAuth').controller('LoginController', LoginController);
var SignupController;
SignupController = function($scope, $rootScope, $state, AuthService, PassengerTypesAPI, googleAnalytics, Notification, localization, $translate) {
$scope.user = {};
$scope.user.registration_platform = 'android';
googleAnalytics.setTrackView('Sign up');
locale: localization.getLocale()
}, function(success) {
return $scope.travelerTypes = success.passenger_types;
}, function(failure) {
return Notification.error({
message: $translate.instant('notification.alert.cannot_get_data')
return $scope.signUp = function() {
return AuthService.signUp($scope.user);
angular.module('stAuth').controller('SignupController', SignupController);
'use strict';
var AuthService;
AuthService = function($http, $q, $state, $rootScope, $cordovaGoogleAnalytics, session, AuthAPI, SignUpAPI, PasswordRecoveryAPI, $translate, $base64, Notification, localization, $ionicLoading) {
var _setCredentials;
_setCredentials = function(user) {
return $base64.encode(user.email + ':' + user.password);
this.isLoggedIn = function() {
return session.getUser() !== null;
this.logIn = function(user, callback, errorCallback) {
if (callback == null) {
callback = null;
if (errorCallback == null) {
errorCallback = null;
$http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + _setCredentials(user);
return AuthAPI.save({
locale: localization.getLocale()
}, function(success) {
delete $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'];
$http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = "Token " + session.getAccessToken();
if (typeof callback === "function") {
message: $translate.instant('notification.success.login_successful'),
replaceMessage: true
return $cordovaGoogleAnalytics.setUserId(success.user.id);
}, function(failure) {
message: $translate.instant('notification.alert.cannot_log_in') + ' — ' + failure.data.error_message,
replaceMessage: true
if (typeof errorCallback === "function") {
return delete $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'];
this.signUp = function(user, callback, errorCallback) {
if (callback == null) {
callback = null;
if (errorCallback == null) {
errorCallback = null;
return SignUpAPI.save({
user: user,
locale: localization.getLocale()
}, function(success) {
delete $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'];
$http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = "Token " + session.getAccessToken();
if (typeof callback === "function") {
if (user.facebook_uid) {
message: $translate.instant('notification.success.login_facebook')
} else {
message: $translate.instant('notification.success.signup_successful'),
replaceMessage: true
return $cordovaGoogleAnalytics.setUserId(success.user.id);
}, function(failure) {
message: $translate.instant('notification.alert.cannot_sign_up') + ' — ' + failure.data.error_message,
replaceMessage: true
}, typeof errorCallback === "function" ? errorCallback() : void 0);
return delete $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'];
this.logOut = function() {
return AuthAPI["delete"]({
locale: localization.getLocale()
}, function(success) {
return Notification.success({
message: $translate.instant('notification.success.log_out'),
replaceMessage: true
}, function(failure) {
message: $translate.instant('notification.alert.cannot_log_out'),
replaceMessage: true
}, typeof errorCallback === "function" ? errorCallback() : void 0);
return delete $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'];
this.recoverPassword = function(user, callback, errorCallback) {
if (callback == null) {
callback = null;
if (errorCallback == null) {
errorCallback = null;
return PasswordRecoveryAPI.save({
user: user,
locale: localization.getLocale()
}, function(success) {
message: $translate.instant('notification.success.email_password_recovery')
return $state.go('auth.welcome');
}, function(failure) {
return Notification.error({
message: $translate.instant('notification.alert.email_password_recovery_error') + ' — ' + failure.data.error_message,
replaceMessage: true
this.isAuthenticated = function() {
return AuthAPI.get({
locale: localization.getLocale()
}, function(success) {
return $rootScope.$broadcast('isAuthenticated', success.valid_token);
return void 0;
angular.module('stAuth').service('AuthService', AuthService);