Ionic, cordova & upd

I started to write an app that need to listen for udp packet sent from other devices. I’ve found this plugin: that I’ve installed with ionic plugin add.

My demo app simply call chrome.sockets.udp.create(foobar) but when I try to lunch it, I always got that chrome isn’t defined.

What’s wrong? Any help?


Ok, seems I’ve resolved. Simply need to wait for deviceready before use udp plugin… read the manual luke :smile:

Hello fabioferrero,

I m trying to use UDP plugin, but donno where to start. Could you please share some code?
Thanks in advance.


I’ve post some demo code for the community :smile:

Is this example suitable for ionic2? I do not know how to make it work with ionic2. I’m happy for any hint.

No, the example is for Ionic v1.