Ionic Cloud Package: No signing certificate: No "iOS Distribution" signing certificate matching team ID

After all the certificate signing, I logged into my account - and added my iOS provisioning certs for my app.

I run the command:
ionic package build ios --release --prod

But in the Ionic.IO -> $app -> Packege - the status is “Failed”

The output is:

Check dependencies
No signing certificate "iOS Distribution" found:  No "iOS Distribution" signing certificate matching team ID "XXX" with a private key was found.
Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.2'

XCode 8

  1. I’ve setup “team” under Perferences -> Account
  2. I tried playing around under the “Signing”: from Automatically -> to manually, and placed my provision profile for “distribution” & “development” certs - but it also didn’t work
  3. the build is always “success”

Application loader

At one time I was able to pack it right - but the Application Loader - said that the .ipa is not signed
Similar to: Apple Application Loader: Missing Code-Signing Certificate

What am I doing wrong ?