Want to know that is there any plugins available for crop feature in Ionic 5 with capacitor ?
No Ionic-specific library required. You can use whatever web plugin you want depending on if you chose React, Vue, or Angular. If you use React, I usually use react-cropper. You could try ngx-image-cropper if you’re using Angular. Or maybe vue-advanced-cropper if you’re using Vue.
Whichever tool works best for you!
May be you can use this one => @ionic-native/crop - npm
The @ionic-native
packages are deprecated. They have been renamed to @awesome-cordova-plugins
. That being said, that specific cordova package is unmaintained so that’s why we recommend just using a web library cropper
Yes, I used this ngx-image-cropper for Angular but this plugin is increasing size of particular image after crop (Almost double to actual size of image), So May I know what we can do for that kind of issues ?
Easily crop images in Native Ionic apps with cordova- plugin - crop . Learn more about the image crop plugin installation cps test and usage on iOS and Android …
capacitor - image-crop demo src pages home home.ts · Go to file T · Go to line L · Copy path · Copy permalink.
After build in android ngx-image-cropper is not working, can you look for that please?