Ionic Cachebuster error for iPhone

Hi, I launched my app about 1 week ago and I am having some problems with iPhone devices, after creating a log, this is the error I am getting after a user tries to log in (using a restful http call to my API):

"{\"line\":23680,\"column\":24,\"sourceURL\":\"file:\/\/\/var\/mobile\/Containers\/Data\/Application\/EF62DD2F-E23F-4312-81E5-7CC83C9FD8AA\/Library\/Application Support\/3a233b66-472b-11e7-83b9-ae2fd494ef06\/lib\/ionic\/js\/ionic.bundle.js?ionicCachebuster=26827\"}"

My Ionic version is v1.3.3

So far I am getting this error in multiple devices (device model iPhone9,2 and iPhone7,2, all with iOS 10.3.2). Please I need to fix asap since my app is already in Production.

Thanks in advance for all your help


Where is the error?

I only see some JSON that inlcudes a line, column and sourceUrl to the normal Ionic bundle…