I am new to ionic framework, facing below issue while creating first app.
**i am working behind corporate proxy
→ command executed “ionic start hello_ionic tabs”
Error Message :
? The directory hello_ionic contains file(s) that could conflict. Would you like to overwrite the directory with this new project? Yes
√ Creating directory .\hello_ionic - done!
√ Downloading and extracting tabs starter - done!
? Would you like to integrate your new app with Cordova to target native iOS and Android? Yes
√ Personalizing ionic.config.json and package.json - done!
ionic integrations enable cordova --quiet
√ Downloading integration cordova - done!
√ Copying integrations files to project - done!
[OK] Added cordova integration!
Installing dependencies may take several minutes.
Speed up development with the Ionic DevApp, our fast, on-device testing mobile app
Test on iOS and Android without Native SDKs
LiveReload for instant style and JS updates
️–> Install DevApp: Ionic DevApp - Appflow ←
npm i
- Running command
ionic start stuck at “npm i”.
please help me in resolving this issue.
->output of “npm info”
{ name: ‘hello_ionic’,
description: ‘a’,
‘dist-tags’: { latest: ‘1.0.0’ },
versions: [ ‘1.0.0’ ],
maintainers: [ ‘gboog andersonthomas603@gmail.com’ ],
{ modified: ‘2017-04-19T13:42:30.205Z’,
created: ‘2017-04-19T13:42:30.205Z’,
‘1.0.0’: ‘2017-04-19T13:42:30.205Z’ },
homepage: ‘GitHub - WebGExecutive/app’,
keywords: [ ‘sss’ ],
{ type: ‘git’,
url: ‘git+https://github.com/WebGExecutive/app.git’ },
author: ‘Griffin Blotner’,
bugs: { url: ‘Issues · WebGExecutive/app · GitHub’ },
license: ‘ISC’,
readmeFilename: ‘’,
version: ‘1.0.0’,
main: ‘index.js’,
scripts: { test: ‘s’ },
{ shasum: ‘73936188b9f38359107be3fce56da2643d195a89’,
tarball: ‘https://registry.npmjs.org/appapp/-/appapp-1.0.0.tgz’ },
directories: {} }