Ionic Angular Js Get Wordpress comments nested way

I am working on Ionic app for my wordpress site. Currently I am able to get the posts content, now what I need is to show the comments for each post. This link will show all the comments for one of the posts.

You can see at the end of this question how the json data is returned

In my controller i am getting the comments based on the post id and currently I am using the below html to show the comments, which just iterates to one child level. because parent id of second level of comment that is reply to an comment will not be 0

<ion-item class="comments" ng-repeat="comment in comments | orderBy:'date'" ng-if="comment.parent==0">
<div ng-bind-html="comment.content"></div>

<ion-item class="comments" ng-repeat="commentchild in comments | orderBy:'date'" ng-if="commentchild.parent==comment.ID">
<div ng-bind-html="commentchild.content"></div>


how can i show all the comments in a properly nested way like this

Json Data what I get from server

    "ID": 3344,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Reply 2 to Comment 3</p>\n",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 3295,
    "author": {
        "ID": 1,
        "username": "admin",
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        "registered": "2015-04-09T18:43:36+00:00",
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    "date": "2015-07-05T13:55:26",
    "date_tz": "UTC",
    "date_gmt": "2015-07-05T13:55:26",
    "meta": {
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            "self": ""
    "ID": 3343,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Reply 1 to  Reply 1 of Comment 3</p>\n",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 3298,
    "author": {
        "ID": 1,
        "username": "admin",
        "name": "admin",
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        "nickname": "admin",
        "slug": "admin",
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        "description": "",
        "registered": "2015-04-09T18:43:36+00:00",
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    "date": "2015-07-05T13:54:39",
    "date_tz": "UTC",
    "date_gmt": "2015-07-05T13:54:39",
    "meta": {
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            "self": ""
    "ID": 3342,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Reply 1 to Reply 1 of Comment 2</p>\n",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 2594,
    "author": {
        "ID": 1,
        "username": "admin",
        "name": "admin",
        "first_name": "",
        "last_name": "",
        "nickname": "admin",
        "slug": "admin",
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        "description": "",
        "registered": "2015-04-09T18:43:36+00:00",
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    "date": "2015-07-05T13:53:42",
    "date_tz": "UTC",
    "date_gmt": "2015-07-05T13:53:42",
    "meta": {
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    "ID": 2594,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Reply 1 to comment 2</p>\n",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 2591,
    "author": {
        "ID": 2,
        "username": "Yaman",
        "name": "Yaman",
        "first_name": "Yaman",
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        "registered": "2015-04-13T09:37:02+00:00",
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    "date": "2014-11-26T13:44:39",
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    "ID": 1879,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Reply 1 to comment 1</p>\n",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 1876,
    "author": {
        "ID": 2,
        "username": "Yaman",
        "name": "Yaman",
        "first_name": "Yaman",
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    "date": "2014-11-26T13:44:39",
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    "meta": {
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    "ID": 3298,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Reply 1 Comment 3</p>\n",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 3295,
    "author": {
        "ID": 2,
        "username": "Yaman",
        "name": "Yaman",
        "first_name": "Yaman",
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    "date": "2014-11-26T13:44:39",
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    "ID": 2591,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Comment 2</p>\n",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 0,
    "author": {
        "ID": 0,
        "name": "Aditya",
        "URL": "",
        "avatar": ""
    "date": "2014-11-06T10:27:58",
    "date_tz": "UTC",
    "date_gmt": "2014-11-06T10:27:58",
    "meta": {
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    "ID": 1876,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Comment 1</p>\n",
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    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 0,
    "author": {
        "ID": 0,
        "name": "Aditya",
        "URL": "",
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    "date": "2014-11-06T10:27:58",
    "date_tz": "UTC",
    "date_gmt": "2014-11-06T10:27:58",
    "meta": {
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    "ID": 3295,
    "post": 2054,
    "content": "<p>Comment 3</p>\n",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "comment",
    "parent": 0,
    "author": {
        "ID": 0,
        "name": "Aditya",
        "URL": "",
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    "date": "2014-11-06T10:27:58",
    "date_tz": "UTC",
    "date_gmt": "2014-11-06T10:27:58",
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Not sure is the information not sufficient here? if anyone can look into it that will be great

Hi Team, Can anyone suggest any alternate to this?

I have written code to get 5 child items by using the normal loop which I know is not a proper solution.
I go like this commentchild1, commentchild2 etc: