Ionic/angular Input range bug (?)


I found that the range is not showing properly at startup / page load if I set the max value as binding from ng-model instead of number

work fine:

<input type="range" name="loadperyear_range" min="{{setup.loadperyear_min}}" max="500000" step="{{setup.loadperyear_step}}" ng-model="data.loadperyear" >

not working:

<input type="range" name="loadperyear_range" min="{{setup.loadperyear_min}}" max="{{setup.loadperyear_max}}" step="{{setup.loadperyear_step}}" ng-model="data.loadperyear" >

Here’s a playground trying to explain the problem I’m facing :
use the + or - on the bottom range to see the problem clearly

any advice?