Ionic Android 5.1.1 Splashscreen Bug?

Hello guys,

my phone for debug is Samsung Galaxy E7 with Android 4.4, my apps run without any real issues.

yesterday my phone got updated to Android 5.1.1, the splashcreen run for the first time, but when i try to open my apps for the second time, the splashcreen didn’t show up, it only displaying the content of the sidemenu.

this bug occur only when i try to open the apps second time (activated from the background state), i had to kill the apps from “Recently used apps” to make it back to normal again.

has anyone here run into the same problem?

*Edited, the screencapture attached below:

First time or after i kill the apps from “Recently used apps”

this is when i try to open for the second time (supposedly a splashscreen):