Ionic and WordPress REST API

Hello Ionic developers and lovers,

I’ve started my own serial of posts about Ionic framework and how to use WP REST API with it. There are two posts so for, first one about creating app with WP and Ionic and second one about WP REST API Authentication and Ionic usage

Every comment is welcome.

Thanks :slight_smile:


@ristapk Thanks You…

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

You can create a blogger REST API? ||

It’s kinda different, but blogger has their API, so you just need to get it instead of WP API :wink:

@ristapk how can I register new User with REST API ?

Hi Almuki,

You can find it here in WP handbook, if you need any help further, ask me.


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I already try this before , but not worked for me , as I read from some article I must login first or make auth before create user , that strange how can I let user login if he not have user ?

Yes, you must authenticate, you have here how to do that.

sorry but I try this but I get the following error
POST http://website/wp-json/wp/v2/users 403 (Forbidden) polyfills.js:2
XMLHttpRequest.n.responseBlob.r.function.o.(anonymous function).S.(anonymous function).(anonymous function)
can you help me please :slight_smile:

Hi there, sir!
It seems that your site is currently down. I hope you are able to fix the links, thanks again and have a great day!

Hi all, I have also written a good an updated tutorial about Ionic and Wordpress Integration using Wordpress REST API.

In this post you will find the implementation of the following features:

  • Show all published posts inside your ionic 3 app
  • Show all the information of a specific post
  • Show the comments and categories related to a post
  • Query posts by category
  • Authentication to your Wordpress site using JWT

You can find this tutorial and download the example app code in

Hope you enjoy it :smile: