I’m trying to update a project from Ionic 2 to Ionic 3 and in this project I was using the cordova-sqlite-ext plugin with a pre-populated database stored in www folder.
To open (and create) the database, I was using:
this.sqlite.openDatabase({name: "data.db", location: 'default', createFromLocation: 1}).then(...
but the param createFromLocation: 1
doesn’t work anymore with the create
Please, someone can suggest me how to use (if it’s possible) this cordova plugin with the last version of Ionic and Ionic Native SQLite? Thanks…
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Did you please find a solution to this?
I solved in this way. I created:
private options = { name: "data.db", location: 'default', createFromLocation: 1 };
and passed it in:
this.sqlite.create(this.options).then((db: SQLiteObject) => {...
and it seems to work perfectly. Hope it helps you!
works like a dream, thank you!
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You’re welcome! I hope it helps all other forum users looking for this information.
@morris4ever69 I did not work completely because when I make a query the app stops, can someone help me?
What I do is create a project from scratch with the utter versions of ionic and the plugins I use, what I did was:
ionic start test
ionic cordova platform add android
cordova plugin add cordova-sqlite-ext --save
npm install --save @ionic-native /sqlite
In app.module.ts
import { SQLite } from ‘@ionic-native /sqlite’; …
ionic generate provider database
This is the code I have inside the povider
ionic cordova run android -l -c
There are two problems:
1- My provider is never executed
Solution: I import it inside the app.component.ts
2- When the app opens, stop after reading my provider, I try without the query executeSql and it works without launching error, when I just put the executeSql stops the app, although I reopened it.
I hope you can please help me, thank you
I say that it did not work completely because it verifies that the database was imported correctly, since I did this:
adb shell
run-as io.ionic.starter
cd databases
sqlite3 database.db
select nombre from fuerzas;
If I had data in that table.
hi friends, the above code is creating new database always, its not using existing database
February 27, 2019, 2:09pm
i get error when i try to install cordova-sqlite-ext Plugin and i can’t add a provider because im using Ionic 4
Any solution please ??