Well, as you see I’m using the alertController and my issue is that it doesn’t get CSS. I have the alertController on a separate FunctionsProvider so I can call it wherever I like. I’m using no custom CSS. So everything works, but CSS get wacked. Again, no custom CSS used. What do you think is going on?
Ionic --version 3.20.0
import { AlertController } from 'ionic-angular'
export.... (you know whats here)
constructor(private alertCtrl: AlertController) //etc...
powerAlert(tit, sub) {
let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: tit,
subTitle: sub,
buttons: ['Dismiss']
/* Example of calling it */
//Importing to Page of course, constructing it
showDetails(foo, bar){
this.functions.presentAlert(foo, bar)
/* HTML */
<ion-item *ngFor='let user of people' (click)="this.showDetails(foo, bar)">
//and some other stuff after