Ionic 5 Leaflet - Map container not found

I’m trying to integrate a leaflet map into my application.
I’ve written the following code in my .ts file:

ionViewDidEnter() {

leafletMap() { ='map').setView([49.992863, 8.247253], 5);
Leaflet.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    attribution: '© XY',

In the template file I’ve added the div container:

<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 200px">

When I’m running it, everything works fine. But now I would like to add some markers with data, which is loaded from an api. Therefore, I have to modify the code so, that the map (and the markers) are added after the data has loaded. So, my new code is the following:

ionViewDidEnter() {
this.dataService.getLocation(this.locationID).then(data => {
    this.location = data;

So now I’m receiving the location data, but I’m also getting an error message: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Map container not found.

I’ve tried different things from other questions here, but nothing works. Do you have an idea, how I can solve this problem?

Try using the ngAfterViewInit hook which will fire when the DOM elments are ready.

When I’m trying it that way:

    this.dataService.getLocation(this.locationID).then(data => 
        this.location = data;

I’m getting the same error. Do you have another idea?