My iPhone (a real device) does not ask for permissions to receive push notifications on Ionic 5, cordova-plugin-fcm-with-dependecy-updated 6.0.1, @ionic-native/fcm 5.24.0
hasPermission() returns null
I attempted to downgrade both plugin and @ionic-native/fcm but no succcess. I can get the device token and send a message to the device from the server and Firebase responds with success but since the user did not allow such action, it does nothing.
First I thought it was FCM plugin issue and I didn’t receive the notification from my iPhone. Then I reached this post and solved my issue with this permission. Thanks buddy!!
I would suggest upgrading @ionic-native/fcm. Current version as I write this is 5.28.0. The discussion in this thread took place before version 5.27.0, in which the method you desire was added. See the CHANGELOG for more details.
It’s a stretch to say I ever “recommended” it. I have no direct experience with anything Firebase. I was just reading the changelog and responding to a specific problem with a particular method that was added after this thread was already old.