Ionic 5 LoadingController Not working with Http Interceptor
This issue happen when i’m calling multiple http requests at same time in ngOnInit() method.
I have tried 2 different approaches
Approach 1:
public async loaderPresent(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.isShowing) {
this.isShowing = true;
this.loading = await this.loadingController.create({
cssClass: "my-custom-loader-class",
message: "Please wait ...",
backdropDismiss: true
return await this.loading.present();
} else {
this.isShowing = true;
public async loaderDismiss(): Promise<void> {
// console.log('Loading dismissed ');
if (this.loading && this.isShowing) {
this.isShowing = false;
await this.loadingController.dismiss();
In this case loder still present even all requests completed.
Note: Loader Not Dismissed when multiple http requests called in ngOnInit( ) method
Approach 2
In This Approach we are using Subject rxjs Operator
import { Subject } from ‘rxjs’;
private loadingRequestsStream$: Subject;
private initValues() {
this.loaderElement = null;
this.lazyDismissTimer = null;
this.loadingRequestsStream$ = new Subject();
concatMap(loader => {
if (loader) {
return this.createLoader()
} else {
return this.dismissLoader()
.subscribe(); // we do not worry of unsubscribing here since this service will always be used across the app
private async createLoader(): Promise<void> {
// we check if there is a loader already instantiated:
if (!this.loaderElement) {
// if not we create new loader and limit its max duration to 2000ms to prevent blocking loader to hangout indefinitely
this.loaderElement = await this.loadingController.create({
cssClass: "my-custom-loader-class",
message: "Please wait ...",
//duration: 3000
// its essential we return a Promise here as this is what concatMap will leverage for serialization
return this.loaderElement.present();
} else {
// if loader element exists already we just return resolved promise:
return Promise.resolve();
private async dismissLoader(): Promise<void> {
// here we check if loader element exists and that there is no timer running already
if (this.loaderElement && !this.lazyDismissTimer) {
// we set the timer
this.lazyDismissTimer = setTimeout(async () => {
// after 700ms we dismiss our loader element:
await this.loaderElement.dismiss();
// nullify our properties right after dismiss promise fulfilled itself:
this.loaderElement = null;
this.lazyDismissTimer = null;
// still remember to return a promise to let concatMap know it can proceed
return Promise.resolve();
}, 700)
} else {
// if loader element does not exist or if there is already a timer running - there is nothing to dismiss, we just return empty promise
return Promise.resolve();
public showLoader() {
public hideLoader() {
In this case Loader Dismissing before All Requests completed.
Note: Loader Not Dismissed when multiple http requests called in ngOnInit( ) method