I would like to pop a modal in Ionic 4 with AngularJS (why there no category for Ionic 4 in this forum btw? I posted this on Ionic at general) and I want to put a directive inside the modal.
However Ionic 4 doesn’t allow to pop a modal on any HTML ID/class or attribute, where I can just lay a directive, and therefore I don’t have how to inject the data of the remote directive to the modal.
For example this is the Ionic 4 docs about modal for plain JS:
customElements.define('modal-page', class extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `
<ion-title>Super Modal</ion-title>
async function presentModal() {
// initialize controller
const modalController = document.querySelector('ion-modal-controller');
await modalController.componentOnReady();
// present the modal
const modalElement = await modalController.create({
component: 'modal-page'
await modalElement.present();
As you can see, they register a new component with the customElements.define which I really don’t know what it is - they don’t describe on it anywhere.
But the problem in here is that they fetch HTML content - however I need to fetch the whole directive with his JS mechanism.
My questions:
- How can I do that? (based on AngularJS 1.7.2 directives).
- What is the customElements.define in Ionic - where can I find any explanation about this?