Ionic 4 - Mapbox display issue

Hi all, I have put a map with mapbox successfully, the problem is that it does not fit well to the screen, however I have seen that applies an extra css in the canavas and if I do a resize of the screen (manually) is perfectly adapted how could there be an override of the css of the canvas?

the default style of canvas on load is

<canvas class="mapboxgl-canvas" tabindex="0" aria-label="Map" width="1200" height="900" style="position: absolute; width: 400px; height: 300px;"></canvas>

Thanks in advance!

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Hi. Did you resolve this issue. I have the same issue.

No, I use ionic 3 currently, because on ionic 4 I dont found any solution.

hey guys, try this. I’m using Ionic 4.

remember install: npm install mapbox-gl --save
and import in your index.htm: <link href=‘’ rel=‘stylesheet’ />

and the file scss:
.noScroll {
overflow: hidden;

#map {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;

I hope it works for them


The key that you found is render the map before the view enter, if you change to OnInit not work.

Thank’s for share is works perfect!.

Hello @germandap, I am using ionic 4 too. I kind of have the problem, that my map is simply black. Did you have a simmilar error? I am using mapbox web, so all I did was following the instructions (adding the and reference into the index.html file + adding the <div id=“map” … and another into my html page).

Would be nice to hear from you :slight_smile:

I have @rafaelestermann2000 same problem, I’m using ionic 4 with angular 8 and it doesn’t work. Is the example available on github? Is anything changed with angular version? I published the ionic project (not yet working) on github.

I fixed, if you still need help

Hey there. How did you fix it? I am trying to display the map in a container, under the description of the page, but it wont display anything.

could you share your code please?