Ionic 4 ion-select pre select value

I have an ion-select that the selected value is coming from a sqlite database, meaning the value for [(ngModel)] is being populated async. In ionic v3 this would still work and would select the correct ion-option, with v4 it doesn’t. Is there any way to get this to work?

 <ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedCodeValue" name="selectCode" multiple="false"
        (ionChange)="codeSelected()" required >
        <ion-select-option *ngFor="let code of availableCodes" value="{{}}">
          {{}} -  {{code.description}}

In the above snippet the “selectedCodeValue” gets populated async from sqlite db.

I just double checked and it has nothing to do with async data load or not. Even when I used a hard coded variable it still didn’t show the selected value until I clicked on the select, that’s when the selected value is automatically selected.

As a workaround I put the value in the ion-select placeholder attribute. That worked but it feels like a hack

<ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedCodeValue" name="selectCode" multiple="false" [placeholder]="selectedCodeValue ? selectedCodeValue : 'Tap to select..'"
        (ionChange)="codeSelected()" required >
        <ion-select-option *ngFor="let code of availableCodes" value="{{}}">
          {{}} -  {{code.description}}
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Ok I finally got it to work. I was missing the selectedText attribute. Now it works as expected

<ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedCodeValue" name="selectCode" 
  multiple="false" placeholder="Tap to select.." [selectedText]="selectedCodeValue"
  (ionChange)="codeSelected()" required >
        <ion-select-option *ngFor="let code of availableCodes" value="{{}}">
          {{}} -  {{code.description}}

1 more thing that I noticed, putting it here if anyone runs into this issue.

When it’s a multiselect (multiple=true) and you set [selectedText]=“selectedCodeValue” it will display 1 long string instead of comma separated string. The way I avoid it is as follows

<ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedCodeValue" name="selectCode" 
  multiple="true" placeholder="Tap to select.."
  [selectedText]="selectedCodeValue ? selectedCodeValue.toString() : selectedCodeValue"
  (ionChange)="codeSelected()" required >
        <ion-select-option *ngFor="let code of availableCodes" value="{{}}">
          {{}} -  {{code.description}}

set the value property of the ion-select to accomplish the ion-select-option being selected.

<ion-select [(ngModel)]=“selectedCodeValue” name=“selectCode” multiple=“true” placeholder=“Tap to select…” [value]=“selectedCodeValue” (ionChange)=“codeSelected()” required>
<ion-select-option *ngFor=“let code of availableCodes” value="{{}}">
{{}} - {{code.description}}

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Hope this helps
In html file:

<ion-content padding>
  Select one
    <ion-select name="category" [selectedText]="selectcategory" [(ngModel)]="selectcategory" (ionChange)="codeSelected()" >
        <ion-select-option value="1" >Category 1</ion-select-option>
        <ion-select-option value="2">Category 2</ion-select-option>
        <ion-select-option value="3">Category 3</ion-select-option>

In ts file

export class TestcodePage implements OnInit {
  constructor() {
    this.selectcategory="Category 2";

  ngOnInit() {
      case "1": 
      this.selectcategory="Category 1";
      case "2": 
      this.selectcategory="Category 2";
      case "3": 
      this.selectcategory="Category 3";

Tks brother i spended hours looking how to work arround with it. You rock…

Thanks man, it works.
The [selectedTex] seems to do the trick.
Thank you for saving me a lot of time.

Try this method it works.

              <ion-select formControlName="nationality" [value]="nationalid" interface="action-sheet" (ionChange)="changeNationality()">

                <ion-select-option *ngFor="let nationality of nationalityList" [value]="">



hey @javasol thanks for posting your solution. this works for showing the string but when I open the action sheet it actually doesn’t show the selected values as selected (I’m having a multiselect option and I expect to see that when I open it the fetched values are already selected)
PS: this used to work when I could use the select property of the IonSelectOption but in Ionic 5 they removed support for that property)

I am working with Ionic Vue but I think I have a similar problem.

is your selectedCodeValue an Object of the selected element(s) or a string of the selectedText or both? somehow I still have problems setting the value and I don’t understand how your model and selectedText can be the same. and I have the same problem as @sabahang

Check out my post over here. Using v-model in Vue fixed the issue in Ionic for selecting the tab.

Oh, lol, sorry. I totally read this wrong. You are working with ion-select and not ion-segment. But maybe using v-model will fix the issue here too?

thank you @twestrick for trying to help. yes in fact I am using v-model. the ion-select-options are all listed correctly and I can select them but I can’t get an initial value (a first pre selection) inside the ion-select. any trial with :value, :selected-text or other didn’t work

Hi. Unfortunately I haven’t touched Ionic in almost 2 years. Can’t really help you but maybe someone else here can