Hello there,
I have a custom button in toast, and I added cssClass to it, but I don’t know how to modify the button’s style, such as background-color, padding, width, etc.
A component contains the following code:
this.toastInstance = await this.toastCtrl.create({
cssClass: "custom-toast-error",
duration: 0,
showCloseButton: false,
closeButtonText: "Close",
position: "bottom",
buttons: [{
text: "",
icon: "ios-close-circle",
side: "start",
cssClass: "custom-toast-error-button"
I know how to modify the style of toast by’.custom-toast-error’, but I can’t modify the style of button by’.custom-toast-error-button’.
Hi friend , Did you find a solution?
Hi there! Add a custom class for your Toast cssClass: 'my-custom-toast-class'
It will end up like this:
async showToast(){
const toast = await this.toastController.create({
header: 'Nice Toast 😊',
message: 'Try it to see the result 😊',
position: 'top',
animated: true,
cssClass: 'my-custom-toast-class',
buttons: [
side: 'end',
icon: 'checkmark-circle-outline',
role: 'ok',
cssClass: 'custom-toast-button',
handler: () => {
// Do something...
toast.present().then(() => {
const toasts = document.getElementsByClassName('my-custom-toast-class');
const shadow = toasts[0].shadowRoot;
const childNodes = Array.from(shadow.childNodes);
childNodes.forEach((childNode: any) => {
const firstButton = childNode.getElementsByClassName('toast-button');
firstButton[0].setAttribute( 'style', 'color: #00CCCC !important');
const secondButton = childNode.getElementsByClassName('second-button');
secondButton[0].setAttribute( 'style', 'color: violet !important' );