Ionic 4 Flickering on page transition

I try to get a proper page transition in Ionic 4 but before clicking the page gets white and after some delay the actual transition begins. This looks very weird to the users. Does anyone had the same issues and can help me with this?

I already tried to figure out why this happens but actually I don’t have any listeners on those pages and this issue happens on every page so this is really strange. Directly in the browser I cannot reproduce it (or it is so fast that I don’t recognize) but there I cannot see the problem.

this.navCtrl.navigateRoot('tabs', {replaceUrl: true});

Node: 10

Ionic: 4.12.0

Hi, i have the same problem, do you find an answer ?

Yep, i had do install all dependencies again. Especially all cordova plugins.

Okay ! I will try, do you uninstall all plugin then re install ?

A few things to look for here.

  1. Making API call/setting property values with ngOnInit could cause this. Better to use ionViewDidEnter to have those calls deferred until after the animation.

  2. Background colors/image that need to be requested and loaded while navigating to the new page. Similar to point 1.

Other than those initial comments, it’s a bit hard to know for sure what could be causing this. Could you try to recreate this in a public repo?


ionic 4 onclick page flickering or page flicker while re-directing

ion-router-outlet main animated=“false”

This code worked for me I do have 4pages + 1 login page since I’m looking for a solution in many forums it didn’t help me. @sebaferreras said in this forum before that this code didn’t work I just pasted this code in my side menu(public func in app.component.html) and tried it didn’t flicker my tab page, re-directing works perfectly now.


So how do we fix the issue with the background image?

I also have problem on page transition but it is quite different.Everything was good but suddenly after adding so many plugins this starts to happend. Please help me on this.I have attached the video of problem.

For guys in react, try not to redirect outside mentioned lifecycle method.

it is not clear, Please can i have an example…