Ionic 4 - Create PDF


I’m looking for examples and API suggestions for creating PDF files based off the data in my Ionic 4 application.

I’ve seen a popular example (link below):

However, it is based off Ionic 3 - so not sure it will work…

Any input appreciated.

How about create pdf on server side , use php is easy to make it

I had the same issue, I cound’t do it work whit anything for Ionic 4.

Do you find some solution?

PdfMake works with ionic 4 if you have implemented it in ionic 3 use the very same code there isn’t anything that is dependent on ionic version same code should work in any JS project.

I create a new proyect with blank to try whit this guide (Ionic Academy, but didn’t work, I see errors in everywhere :sleepy:

In the picture, I install the packages, but i couldn’t declare in the providers parts.

import { File } from '@ionic-native/file/ngx';
import { FileOpener } from '@ionic-native/file-opener/ngx';

Make sure you are using the correct plugins for V4 see the import statement for File Opener and File its from ngx


File Opener
these two are what you want to install in v4

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The Tutorial given by Simon R in the [](http://Ionic Academy) works very well

The only change to be made is the one mentioned above here

can u help…the same tutorial work for me, but i cant save the PDF file on IOS device…works every place else