I’m looking for examples and API suggestions for creating PDF files based off the data in my Ionic 4 application.
I’ve seen a popular example (link below):
However, it is based off Ionic 3 - so not sure it will work…
Any input appreciated.
How about create pdf on server side , use php is easy to make it
I had the same issue, I cound’t do it work whit anything for Ionic 4.
Do you find some solution?
May 5, 2019, 12:54am
PdfMake works with ionic 4 if you have implemented it in ionic 3 use the very same code there isn’t anything that is dependent on ionic version same code should work in any JS project.
I create a new proyect with blank to try whit this guide (Ionic Academy , but didn’t work, I see errors in everywhere
In the picture, I install the packages, but i couldn’t declare in the providers parts.
May 6, 2019, 3:25am
import { File } from '@ionic-native/file/ngx';
import { FileOpener } from '@ionic-native/file-opener/ngx';
Make sure you are using the correct plugins for V4 see the import statement for File Opener and File its from ngx
May 6, 2019, 3:32am
File Opener
these two are what you want to install in v4
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The Tutorial given by Simon R in the [https://ionicacademy.com/create-pdf-files-ionic-pdfmake/ ](http://Ionic Academy) works very well
The only change to be made is the one mentioned above here
September 12, 2020, 5:13pm
can u help…the same tutorial work for me, but i cant save the PDF file on IOS device…works every place else