Ionic 4. Can't use an alert, because it's not in an async function

I have a login function with different alerts and loaders.
I now upgraded to ionic 4 from ionic 3 and the alert and loader functions
don’t work like before. I tried to update my function, but I’m stuck at one point.

My function is:

  async signIn() {

    //// check to confirm the username and password fields are filled
    if (this.username.value == "") {
     let alert = await this.alertCtrl.create({
      header: "ATTENTION",
      subHeader: "Username field is empty",
      buttons: ['OK']
     return await alert.present();
    } else
    if (this.password.value == "") {
     let alert = await this.alertCtrl.create({
      header: "ATTENTION",
      subHeader: "Password field is empty",
      buttons: ['OK']
     return await alert.present();
    } else
     var headers = new Headers();
     headers.append("Accept", 'application/json');
     headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     let options = new RequestOptions({
      headers: headers
     let data = {
      username: this.username.value,
      password: this.password.value
     let loader = await this.loading.create({
      message: 'Processing please wait',
     return await loader.present().then(() => {

//alerts stop working here, because they are not inside an async function
//without the alerts the script works'localhost/login.php', data, options)
        map(res => res.json()))
       .subscribe(res => {
        if (res == "Your Login success") {
         let alert = await this.alertCtrl.create({
          header: "CONGRATS",
          subHeader: (res),
          buttons: ['OK']
         return await alert.present();
        } else
         let alert = await this.alertCtrl.create({
          header: "ERROR",
          subHeader: "Your Login Username or Password is invalid",
          buttons: ['OK']
         return await alert.present();

I hope someone can help me to solve this problem and help me to change my function.
Thx a lot.

Hi @Grouvie :wave:

Here are some suggestions regarding working with async/await:

  • Don’t do return await [promise]. Since you are inside an async function, it will return a promise anyway (all async functions wrap the value being returned in a promise).

  • I would remove all .then() promise chains to make code more legible and await them instead. For example changing return await loader.present().then(() => {...}) to just await loader.present(); and continue with the rest of the code.

  • If you need to return an http observable in an async function and await it, you can convert it to a promise by adding .toPromise() at the end instead of subscribing to it. Like:

const res = await'localhost/login.php', data, options)
.pipe(map(res => res.json()))



Perfect working solution.
Thanks a lot.

Awesome! Glad to help :blush: