Ionic 3 - Straight polyline using google maps native 4.8.2

Hello ,
I have just added google maps native 4.8.2 to my ionic 3 project but when i draw a polyline it works fine, but the lines are drawn straight although I´ve activated geodesic


Ionic forum expects you to try to solve your own problem first, as your attempts help us to better understand what you want. Please edit the question to show what you’ve tried, so as to illustrate a specific roadblock you’re running into in a minimal reproducible example.

Thank you for your reply :
Here’s my code : = GoogleMaps.create('map_canvas', {
  camera: {
    target: {
      lat: 	51.752273,
      lng: -1.257758
    zoom: 18,
    tilt: 30

let marker: Marker ={
      title: 'Warehouse',
      icon: 'red',
      animation: 'DROP',
      position: {
        lat: 51.752273,
        lng: -1.257758

    marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK).subscribe(() => {

let points = [
              lat:51.752273 ,
              lng: -1.257758
              lat: 51.76166,
              lng: -1.26804

for(var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {

  var job = points[i];

let marker: Marker ={
      title: 'Stop '+ labels[i % labels.length],
      icon: 'red',
      animation: 'DROP',
      position: {
        lng: job.lng
    marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK).subscribe(() => {

        points: points,
        'color' : '#00008B',
        'width': 3,
        'geodesic': true,


and i’m getting this :