I’m developing a mobile app using Ionic 3. I use InAppBrowser native plugin to show an external website using his.inAppBrowser.create(url, ‘_blank’, this.options); method in Ionic 3.
The external website displays dashboard and other web design. In some pages dashboard has download pdf/xl option, When I click the download buttons, it works fine in all browsers.
But when I call that external website from InAppBrowser in the Ionic 3 Mobile app, the download links in that page are not functional.
How can I download files from website using ionic 3 inappbrowser? Please help me anybody
Web dashboard has developed web team using Spring boot, java. One of the functionality of this website is to generate form data to pdf/xl and donwload as file when it is needed.
I have a two buttons for pdf and xl to download options to download. When you click a file to download, Server side code will create file from the Server and attached it with HTTP Response.
I have been trying this past two days but there is no LUCK
Tried below links,
Phonegap/Cordova InAppbrowser File Download issue
But not getting any solution
Below is my ionic 3 code
let target = "_blank";
this.inAppBrowser.create(url, target, this.options);
this.inAppBrowser.addEventListener('loadstart', function (event) {
console.log("eventeventevent -- ", event);
Please help me anybody regarding this