Ionic 2 + Typescript + Google Maps

I worked on angular2-google-maps and posted my article with source code at

Hi @vijtad i was following your tutorial. Am getting these warnings when i do npm install angular2-google-maps –save


am very new to ionic.
how do i fix that. because when i do serve am getting a blank display

I will upgrade this article and let you know.


That will be great thanks.

angular2-google-maps require updated feature pack for angular2. Try adding them to your package.json first.

I have updated it with latest release of Ionic packages.

As you are new to ionic, pls. read article step by step as you need to create even Google API using google console.

Let me know if you are having any issues.

Pls give feedback/comments in my article post.

Happy GoogleMap coding.



kindly guide on how to go about adding them

Thanks alot @vijtad.
I will update you on how it goes. I really appreciate