Ionic 2 start new app question

hi, i’ll try to start new application, but ionic doesn’t like ionic2, i mean
there isn’t the app folder, the structure folder is:
any suggestion?

That’s normal, the code is now in the src folder.

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Thank you but only in app start blank or also in app start sidemenu?

Me too.
The command ionic start appsname blank --v2 creates a structure that seems the one of ionic, not the one expected for ionic 2.
Question: when the structure of Ionic2 went back with the src folder?
Or question: which is the command to create a structure for ionic 2 now?

Do you have a file named ionic.config.json containing "v2": true? If so then you have a v2 project.

I don’t know when the src folder was introduced, but it’s there when I create a new project and everything works fine for me.

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Thanks: I have that line, and actually it’s a true V2 project.

And I have focused on the new structure.
I wonder if there is not a way to keep itself informed about change of the beta/rc… suddenly things are different, and I find myself confused.

Please remember that Ionic2 is still pending significant changes, and this is normal before being released / declared stable.

But yes, there is a very good way to keep up with the changes, you can find all steps needed to update your environment and your app in the changelog here:
Make sure to look at the previous releases as well, if your environment is behind a lot.

You will want to also follow the blog, where all releases and fixes are announced, and those blog posts will point you to the changelog whenever that’s relevant.